Member Education Series and West Herr Driven to Success
Member Education Series offers workshops and/or professional presentations on topics of interest to the small business community.
Traditionally, these are held every other month from 8:15am to 9:30am and include a continental breakfast.
Presentations include topics related to Human Resources, Marketing, Social Media, Accounting, Access to Capital, Legal, to name a few. Attendees have the additional benefit of expanding their market base via the networking component.
We always attempt to utilize our members to make presentations so they benefit from the captive audience as potential clients and from the marketing we do for the program.
The Chamber recently added to our education lineup with our West Herr Driven to Success Series that runs about six times a year.
This is an informal conversation with leaders in our community on how they achieved career success.
Attendance is capped at 30 for this event that runs from 12:15pm-1:30pm. It is free to attend and a light lunch is served.