Message from A.J. Baynes: January 2024
The start of a new year is a time for business owners to feel hopeful and optimistic about what's to come. January is a great month to take action, set goals, recognize even the smallest achievements, and avoid getting discouraged by any setbacks that may arise. The past three years have been tough for everyone, but many business owners have managed to stay strong and face the challenges that came their way. As we step into the new year, remember that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Keep a positive attitude and stay engaged, because the more involved you are, the quicker you'll be able to move past any setbacks and focus on your goals.
The Chamber is kicking off the year with a bang, offering plenty of chances to connect, learn, and have fun with a full schedule of events. Our first Business After Hours event will coincide with the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting ceremony at The Establishment on Tuesday, January 16, from 5-7pm. This will be a great opportunity to meet other Chamber members and enjoy delicious hors d'oeuvres. If you can't make an after-work event fit into your schedule, don't worry - we've got you covered. Join us for our first Lunch Mob of the Year at Wegmans on Sheridan Drive. Lunch Mob has become a favorite of our Chamber members, with around 30 to 40 people regularly attending. We're excited to hold this event at Wegmans' café, as they have been a fantastic supporter of our Chamber over the years. Register for the Lunch Mob by clicking <here>.
Mark your calendars for Friday, February 2, because you won't want to miss the first of our "Big Four" events of the year at Reikart House. At the Chamber’s Annual Meeting, we'll unveil our 2024 Economic Development and Public Policy Agenda, seating the 2024 Board of Directors, and hear from Amherst Town Supervisor Brian Kulpa as he gives his yearly State of the Town Address. This event was a sell-out last year, and space is limited. So, act fast and register today to secure your spot at this can't-miss event.
Our Emerging Business Leader's program is currently accepting applications for the 2024 cohort of young professionals seeking to enhance their professional skills and expand their networks. I urge all members to look within their organizations and identify a young professional who would benefit from and enjoy this program. Even small investments in team members can significantly impact an organization's morale. For more information, please visit our website by clicking <here>. We're also very excited to announce that our Winter ProMix event is back on Wednesday, January 31st! This event is an excellent opportunity to break your cabin fever. Join us from 5:30 to 7:30 at Sto Lat on Transit Road, located at the Eastern Hills Mall site. We had to take a short break last year due to COVID-19 regulations, but we're thrilled to have it back on the calendar this year! Take advantage of this chance to mix and mingle with other business leaders and young professionals.
As we enter a new year, let us all look forward to new opportunities and growth in our personal and professional lives. I wish each and every one of you a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead. The Chamber remains committed to supporting our members and working towards a more successful tomorrow. Please remember, my door is always open.